Gina Martinez-Keddy

Executive Director

Gina worked with parents and other organizers to help launch PTHV in Sacramento, CA in 1997-1999, then rejoined PTHV as executive director in June 2017. In the intervening years, she served as executive director, director of professional development, and consultant in the field of community and parent organizing. She earned an MBA from UCLA, and an MA in Social and Cultural Studies in Education from UC Berkeley. She has two step-children.

PTHV advances student success and school improvement by leveraging relationships, research, and a national network of partners to advance evidence-based practices in relational home visits within a comprehensive family engagement strategy.


P.O. Box 189084, Sacramento, CA, 95818


PTHV is a nonprofit grassroots network that must raise its operating budget every year. Like the local home visit projects we help, our network is sustained by collaboration.

© Copyright 2025 by Parent Teacher Home Visits