Racial Equity

Parent Teacher Home Visits’ ultimate goal is to advance racial equity by harnessing the power of relational trust. We believe in the primacy of relationships. By fostering authentic connection across difference among educators, students, and families, we can help heal wounds of systemic racism and other forms of oppression in public education, and to open a doorway for sharing common humanity.

Our home visit model is designed to interrupt cycles of blame between families and schools and instead build their capacity to engage as equal partners. A potent combination of professional learning and relationship-building activities are employed to not only surface and disrupt implicit biases but also nurture mutual responsibility and accountability. There is promising evidence that Parent Teacher Home Visits shift the mindsets of educators and families, thereby increasing the likelihood of authentic partnership and student success. Building upon recent research findings, Parent Teacher Home Visits has embarked on a new professional and program development pathway that will lead to supplemental training modules, resources, and support for school districts to forge greater connections between their racial equity and home visit practices.

Resources and Additional Reading:

PTHV advances student success and school improvement by leveraging relationships, research, and a national network of partners to advance evidence-based practices in relational home visits within a comprehensive family engagement strategy.


P.O. Box 189084, Sacramento, CA, 95818


PTHV is a nonprofit grassroots network that must raise its operating budget every year. Like the local home visit projects we help, our network is sustained by collaboration.

© Copyright 2025 by Parent Teacher Home Visits