Breaking the Attendance Barrier - The Power of Parent Teacher Home Visits

We were delighted to host a critical conversation, “Breaking the Attendance Barrier: The Power of Parent-Teacher Home Visits,” to kick off the third annual National PTHV Week.  The webinar was a deep dive into one of the most persistent challenges with which our nation’s schools are grappling: the worrisome rates of chronic absenteeism. These rates are creating a negative and far-reaching impact on student learning and success. Much of the conversation to date has understandably centered on interventions to get kids back to school. Given the magnitude of the challenge we are collectively facing, however, this conversation was encouragement for school districts to consider the root causes of chronic absence, such as deep-seated mistrust, as well as a lack of connection, belonging, and support in schools.

Consider this an invitation to think about what foundational supports your school or district has in place that center relationships and promote positive conditions for children to come to school ready to learn. With that in mind, enjoy learning from our expert speakers and panelists:

  • Rachel Brice: Program Director, Parent-Teacher Home Visits
  • Gina Martinez-Keddy: Executive Director, Parent-Teacher Home Visits
  • Hedy Chang: Executive Director, Attendance Works
  • Paul LaMarca: Director, Family and Community Engagement, Washoe County School District
  • Daniel Kirk: Principal, Lemmon Valley Elementary School
  • Londy Hidalgo: Educator, Lemmon Valley Elementary School
  • Irene Garibay Torres: Parent, Lemmon Valley Elementary School, Family and Community Engagement Liaison
  • Cecilia Leong: Senior Advisor, Attendance Works
  • Libby Stanford: Journalist, Education Week

PTHV advances student success and school improvement by leveraging relationships, research, and a national network of partners to advance evidence-based practices in relational home visits within a comprehensive family engagement strategy.


P.O. Box 189084, Sacramento, CA, 95818


PTHV is a nonprofit grassroots network that must raise its operating budget every year. Like the local home visit projects we help, our network is sustained by collaboration.

© Copyright 2025 by Parent Teacher Home Visits