PTHV Announces Commitments to Support Academic Achievement

Parent Teacher Home Visits is proud to be among the several philanthropic and national organizations committed to supporting academic achievement, as announced in a new White House agenda outlining strategies to improve student performance. To support this initiative, PTHV will host National PTHV Week in September 2024, and use it as an opportunity to illustrate how building relationships of trust with students and their families affect school attendance.  

PTHV Week 2024, held during National Attendance Awareness Month, will take a comprehensive approach to amplify the need for strong family partnerships to reduce chronic absenteeism rates and support academic acceleration, including through core practices of its evidence-based home visit model and offers parent and educator stories on the model’s effectiveness, and tools and resources that help educators and schools draw a clear connection between family partnerships and chronic absenteeism. 

PTHV introduced National Parent Teacher Home Visits Week in 2022 to kick off our 25th anniversary. Due to its success, we decided to make National PTHV Week an annual event focused on celebrating educators and families who prioritize building relationships of trust, generating awareness and support for PTHV locally and nationally, conducting as many home visits as possible during the week, and evaluating and sharing the impact of home visits locally and nationally. 

In 2018, Johns Hopkins University released a study that shows a strong connection between the PTHV model of relational home visits and decreases in chronic absence rates and increases in English Language Arts proficiency among students. PTHV’s participation in the  2024 Improving Student Achievement Agenda via National PTHV Week 2024 is poised to underscore the findings from this pivotal research and bring much-needed attention to the connection between learning and attendance.

PTHV advances student success and school improvement by leveraging relationships, research, and a national network of partners to advance evidence-based practices in relational home visits within a comprehensive family engagement strategy.


P.O. Box 189084, Sacramento, CA, 95818


PTHV is a nonprofit grassroots network that must raise its operating budget every year. Like the local home visit projects we help, our network is sustained by collaboration.

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