PTHV Podcast Premiere - The Ripple Effect

As National PTHV Week draws to a close, we are delighted to unveil a very special podcast episode, the very first in an occasional series on the impact of home visits on student success. In this inaugural episode, PTHV Executive Director Gina Martinez-Keddy and Program Director Rachel Brice discuss the persistent challenge of chronic absenteeism in schools, which has worsened significantly since the pandemic. They explore how the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework has been used to address chronic absence, and they highlight the crucial role of Parent Teacher Home Visits in building relationships and trust between families and educators. 

The conversation covers the definition and impact of chronic absenteeism, the alarming post-pandemic data, and how the MTSS approach can provide targeted interventions. Importantly, Rachel and Gina emphasize that Parent Teacher Home Visits are not an attendance intervention, but a foundational practice that cultivates strong school-family partnerships and positively impacts school culture and student outcomes. Drawing on research and personal experiences, the podcast explores how systemic implementation of home visits can create a ripple effect, improving attendance and academic success for all students, not just those who receive a visit. 

The discussion also addresses common concerns about safety and the time commitment required for home visits, outlining the core practices that address these issues. The episode underscores the power of relationships in supporting student success, and invites listeners to join in building a future where every student feels seen, heard, and supported by their families and educators working in true partnership.

Listen, share, and send your feedback!

Podcast transcript

PTHV advances student success and school improvement by leveraging relationships, research, and a national network of partners to advance evidence-based practices in relational home visits within a comprehensive family engagement strategy.


P.O. Box 189084, Sacramento, CA, 95818


PTHV is a nonprofit grassroots network that must raise its operating budget every year. Like the local home visit projects we help, our network is sustained by collaboration.

© Copyright 2025 by Parent Teacher Home Visits