Information Sessions

Home Visits as High-Impact Family Engagement Strategy
Time: 1 hour
Prerequisites: None
Objective: At the end of the session, participants will:
- understand the intent and methods of PTHV model and why it is effective
- be familiar with the logistics of doing home visits
- be able to share the model with colleagues and stakeholders
- have the option to work with PTHV for next steps such as planning, training, funding, etc.
Audience: Families, teachers, staff and administration of preK-12 schools, community leaders, funders, media, elected officials and other stakeholders.
Led by: a team of PTHV members with a wealth of experience within our model of home visits
Content: This information session outlines the benefits of building relationships between educators and families via voluntary home visits. The session can be tailored according to the audience (community meeting, professional conference, school board meeting, etc) with a brief overview of the research and the outcomes of the effort nationwide. The session also includes steps to getting started and the conditions that make a home visit program successful. This is an info session only and does not certify participants to do home visits.
Cost: $1,500. Travel billed separately. If offered in conjunction with a conference or other event, we request admission to the entire event for the three trainers (parent/teacher/facilitator).