A Quarter Century of Impact For 25 years, Parent Teacher Home Visits (PTHV) has equipped school staff to build relationships of trust with the families in their communities. Over the last year, we’ve reflected on our history, celebrated our wins, built new partnerships, launched the annual National PTHV Week, shared our stories, and opened the […]
PTHV Week Celebration and Awards On Nov. 2, 2022, Parent Teacher Home Visits bestowed eight awards during a virtual celebration of the first national PTHV Week. We launched the week-long observance to raise awareness of the power of home visits and to encourage schools to conduct as many visits as possible during the week, which […]
New Board Leadership at Parent Teacher Home Visits Parent Teacher Home Visits is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members of our national board of directors: Dr. Chrishirella Sutton, a clinical assistant professor, and Helen Westmoreland, family engagement director at National PTA. The new organizational leaders will play a key role in leading […]
PTHV and the Power of Trusting Relationships: 25 Years of Impact Twenty-five years ago, parent and community organizers joined forces with educators to pilot a relational home visit model, Parent Teacher Home Visits (PTHV), at eight Sacramento, California, schools to counter deeply held mistrust and disrupt the cycle of blame between home and school. Success and […]
The Way Forward Is Through the Community As we head back to school this year, one of the most sobering realities of the COVID-19 moment is that it is responsible for the biggest increase in educational inequities in a generation. While various factions within and without education tout a range of recovery and catch-up activities […]
Hopes and Dreams Certificates for PTHV Week As a core practice of PTHV’s model, discussing hopes and dreams for the student during the home visit is critical. It centers the conversation around the student, grounds the relationship between educators and families, and creates a mutual goal for both to work together. As we near our […]
Join Us for a #LearningTuesdays Webinar During PTHV Week Parent Teacher Home Visits & the Power of Trusting Relationships: 25 Years of Impact September 20, 2022 | 3-4:30 PM ET Presented by The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Twenty-five years ago, parent and community organizers joined forces with educators to pilot a relational home visit model, Parent […]
PTHV Week is a special observance for which we’re inviting our partnering schools and districts from across the country to celebrate 25 years of authentic trust-building home visits with us.
Learning Heroes’ recent report, Unlocking the “How”: Designing Family Engagement Strategies that Lead to School Success, highlights stories like Walter P. Carter from around the country. The report builds on years of research to recommend three pillars for an effective family engagement strategy that drives improvements in student learning and well-being.
Today, many education leaders think about PTHV home visits as a critical practice that improves student and school outcomes – and it does just that. But PTHV didn’t actually start with home visits as we know them today.