Frequently Asked Questions

PTHV Week is a special observance designed to celebrate authentic, trust-building home visits through a model created by Parent Teacher Home Visits. Read on to learn more.

Our third annual National PTHV Week celebration is slated for September 16-21, 2024.

We urge schools and districts to celebrate in ways that best support their unique goals and needs. We do not have rigid requirements for participation but ask that districts share basic information and stories from their local celebrations so that we can support and amplify their efforts.   

With that said, most celebrations will likely consist of a combination of different communication and advocacy strategies as well as educator recognition. Of course, we encourage home visits too! Examples of PTHV Week activities may include but are not limited to home visit ride along with dignitaries; school board proclamation; mini-conference; home visit competition; and media outreach. PTHV has prepared advocacy tools, communication guidance, and sample promo materials to support these efforts.

PTHV is requesting that only one designated person per local PTHV practice register their site for PTHV Week to streamline ongoing communication and support. For school districts, this is typically the district coordinator who oversees the PTHV practice. For schools, this designated contact may be the principal or PTHV site coordinator. You can register your school or district here. 

PTHV Week was conceptualized as a celebration of educators and families who engage in PTHV home visits. Schools and districts with a local PTHV practice are encouraged to participate in ways that support their home visit goals and needs. 

However, individuals, schools, districts, and other organizations that do not have a local PTHV home visit practice yet feel strongly about its value are also welcome to participate. Advocating for and generating awareness of PTHV should be the focus of their local PTHV Week observance. PTHV’s advocacy tools and communication guide may be used to support this effort. Note, PTHV home visits should not be part of these celebrations given the lack of training and adherence to the model’s non-negotiable practices.

Participating schools and districts are urged to plan a PTHV Week celebration that meets their local home visiting goals and needs.

PTHV Week planning tools and resources are available on our PTHV Week webpage. PTHV staff are also available to support implementing schools and districts in refining their plans. Please contact Heather Kilgore to request assistance.

Absolutely! We understand that the timing of National PTHV Week may not perfectly align with every local school district calendar or even the typical cadence of when your educators conduct home visits. If your focus for PTHV Week is not on completing home visits, we encourage you to consider how you can still celebrate the practice and its participants during this designated week.  

Of course! We understand that the timing of National PTHV Week may not perfectly align with every local school district calendar or even the typical cadence of when your educators conduct home visits. Please let us know when you’re planning to celebrate so that we may amplify your efforts. 

Yes! While National PTHV Week will only be observed once in the fall, you may celebrate more than once per year. For example, our PTHV colleagues in Denver Public Schools celebrate a fall and a spring PTHV Week in alignment with our two-visit approach. The tools and resources on our PTHV Week webpage will remain available year-round to support local planning for these additional celebrations.

Yes, we encourage you to use the PTHV promotional materials created for our National PTHV Week celebration. These materials include a video, sample social media posts and graphics, and flyer templates. 

  • General Questions about PTHV Week: Rachel Brice, Program Director at 
  • Communications Support or Media Requests: DeQuendre Neeley-Bertrand, Communications Director at 

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PTHV advances student success and school improvement by leveraging relationships, research, and a national network of partners to advance evidence-based practices in relational home visits within a comprehensive family engagement strategy.


P.O. Box 189084, Sacramento, CA, 95818


PTHV is a nonprofit grassroots network that must raise its operating budget every year. Like the local home visit projects we help, our network is sustained by collaboration.

© Copyright 2025 by Parent Teacher Home Visits